
TL;DR Whom am I speaking to? Who is this going to help? My Practical Experience My Mind Dump. This is the start of a post that I will develop over a long period of time to arrive at the truth. As a starting point, Here is what ChatGPT has to say about the definition and practical illustration of integrity. " Integrity can be defined as the quality of being honest, having strong moral principles, and adhering to ethical standards....

June 19, 2023

People Don't Want to Work Outside--but they do want these things

TL;DR Here’s what people actually want when they desire to work outside: High ceilings (at least 10 feet) Lots of natural lighting (lots of wide windows) Preferably windows facing nature Bonus: a bird’s nest high view of the outside world (rather than ground level) Whom am I speaking to? Who is this going to help? The person who thinks they know where they want to work, but actually don’t know...

June 19, 2023

The Price of Sex

TL;DR Seek intimacy and connection, over hedonism and shame Whom am I speaking to? Who is this going to help? My Practical Experience My Mind Dump. “The cheapest sex is the one you pay for”. Let’s unpack this sentence. Interpretation 1: Inner decay From one perspective, this can highlight the motives for pursing relationships. If you seek relationships for the sake of a “one night stand” or one for purely sexual pleasure, you will often find that there will be a high price to pay long term in both (1) the habits you develop and (2) the unintended emotional package and sudden expectation for more brought by the other person...

June 13, 2023

Overcoming Perfectionism: Acceptance of Imperfection

TL;DR Choose “preferences” over “necessities”. Whom am I speaking to? Who is this going to help? The type-A person who struggles adapting to reality. My Mind Dump. The quick fix Many times we tell ourselves that we need something to function well. “I need my coffee”, “I need my rest”, “I need my peace and quiet”. But these necessities get in the way of our attempt toward progressively realizing our ideals....

June 13, 2023

Unintentional: Why we often engage in behavior that's not aligned with what we want

TL;DR Whom am I speaking to? Who is this going to help? My Practical Experience My Mind Dump. Here’s a list of reasons why Lack of self-awareness Lack of understand who drives us, who we are, and what we actually want External influences You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with You adapt to your environment Habitual patterns Everything we do is a habit Emotional factors If we are driven by strong emotions like fear, insecurity, or instant gratification, we may end up engaging in behaviors that are inconsistent with our long-term goals or values....

June 13, 2023


TL;DR Whom am I speaking to? Who is this going to help? My Practical Experience My Mind Dump. This post is meant to be the development of an alternative to the power of listening, and why we should listen more often. We’re already aware of the benefits of listening, but what about the other end? The few times we do speak, what do we say? Random ideas I’m putting together Biblical References In Biblical references, we find that God spoke the universe into existence....

June 13, 2023


TL;DR Whom am I speaking to? Who is this going to help? My Practical Experience My Mind Dump. I have an absolute new found respect for parents. My goodness, raising children is EXHAUSTING!. When you raise kids: You have no privacy, isolation, nor time to yourself Your children’s needs come before your needs Noise. Peace is now as much fantasy as hoping that pigs will fly, Santa comes twice a year, and the easter bunny gifts you a million dollars Sleep deprivation....

June 12, 2023

Heroes and Villains

TL;DR Whom am I speaking to? Who is this going to help? My Practical Experience My Mind Dump. I often noticed how, in games and movies, villains often have special powers, as well as the ability to break rules, that the hero does not posses. This made me question: How is it that the hero wins at the end, despite having the cards stacked against him from the villains numerous advantages?...

June 11, 2023

How the World Really Works

TL;DR Life Whom am I speaking to? Who is this going to help? The student who is eager to understand how the world really works My Practical Experience My Mind Dump. Here are some basic patterns I’ve noticed in life: Those who have the habit of taking action, in spite of the actions that result in failure, have a higher probability of winning big compared to someone who watches from the sidelines, plans, and then takes one low-quality, inexperienced action The world favors relentless action The world favors those who are likable, sociable, and enthusiastic The world favors those who ask for what they desire, compared to those who never ask due to shame, embarrassment, pride, social expectations, or fear Nothing in life in guaranteed except for death; nothing is constant besides change The world favors speed and practical execution Paradoxically, going slow is the fastest path Life is a numbers game, which is why the habit of action is favorable Double your failure rate if you wish to succeed Every failure contains in itself a seed of equally equivalent success Relationships exist in polarization Both good (Patrick Bet-David) and bad (Hitler) reveal one key aspect about humanity: the ability to speak charismatically, passionately, and authentically is the MOST vital skill for creating and leading a movement Energy is transferable and transmutable If you are calm in social settings, your calmness will be absorbed by those around you, and you will attract people If you are anxious, scared, or fearful, your energy will be detected by those around you, and you will find yourself alone Stay relaxed I used to present myself with the image of the guy who can do it all–the executive I now realize, that being perceived as “lazy”, with moments of big success, allows me to think clearly under pressure, and this improves my performance because I hold the bigger picture in mind How does this opinion explain how the world really works in a way that accurate, wholistic, and realistic?...

June 10, 2023

Action and Inaction

TL;DR Whom am I speaking to? Who is this going to help? My Practical Experience My Mind Dump. It can be easy to get into the habit of consuming. We consume TV shows, food, space, speaking time, etc. Now I’m starting to think how I can contribute. For example, for each book I read, I should do an equal but opposite writing/speaking of my ideas. I’ve already started seeing the benefits of listening more than I speak in conversations, so I won’t add much else to that....

June 8, 2023