'Can't you take a joke?' Versus 'Can't you be more respectful towards others?'

TL;DR Whom am I speaking to? Who is this going to help? My Practical Experience I don’t know how to explain this one. I fall into the camp of both sides. Growing up, with my “ideal” view of how the world should be, I would often look at disdain at people who were naturally charismatic and jokesters because they seemed to be immune the my ideal “rules” of etiquette. Now I realize that those people were simply playing by a different set of rules because they had become competent in a different set of skills–being socially adept....

April 28, 2023

The Two Most Practical Words for Perfectionists

TL;DR Replace obligations (e.g. “I have to”, “I need to”, “I must”) with GET (“I GET to”). Replace rituals and superstitions (“I cannot work without —”, “I cannot start without —”, “I do my best work under [insert conditions]”) with preferences (“I’d prefer to have coffee in the morning, but I can do great work without it”, “I’d prefer to be liked by everyone, but I can still enjoy my life”, “I’d prefer to have everything planned ahead of time, but I can deal with things as they come”)....

April 28, 2023


TL;DR People don’t like me because I’m an arrogant piece of shit–but that’s okay because I’m actively re-branding myself as someone who everyone wants to be around. Whom am I speaking to? Who is this going to help? My old, prude, arrogant, egoistic self who is really insecure about being judge my other people for exploring curiosity. My Practical Experience I’m a recovering prude. Let me explain. Growing up, I would often label people in school between two camps: intellectually-inferior, and good....

April 27, 2023

Kindness: A lesson from Chipotle

TL;DR It does not cost you anything to show respect, kindness, and genuine interest to other people. Yet, it pays back extreme dividends. Whom am I speaking to? Who is this going to help? That isolated shy person who thinks everyone is stupid. My Practical Experience I was at chiptole, already establishing myself as a regular customer, when I see the same empoyee working there. He generally seemed to have a “cool nice guy” asthenic–the kind of guy who was well liked, did his job well, and overall likeable person....

April 27, 2023

Target Dating 4

TL;DR The world favors action because you only need one good outcome to make a breakthrough. Curiosity and intentionality like to complete, but they can work together. Relationships matter, and your lifestyle will either help you or hurt you towards creating an enriching life. Find the order in the chaos, then go with the flow. Whom am I speaking to? Who is this going to help? Good intentioned people who don’t know what to do....

April 27, 2023

Professionalism: When Drinking the Company Kool-Aid leads to people taking their jobs too seriously

TL;DR To be honest, I don’t know how to explain this into a single sentence yet. Whom am I speaking to? Who is this going to help? The good intentioned, but not well socialized, ambitious person who wanted to achieve greatness. My Practical Experience I used to be that guy who took his job too seriously. But there’s something that all people who take their jobs too seriously fail to account for:...

April 27, 2023

Vlogging Versus Blogging

TL;DR Vlogging is a practical, more consistent way of gathering your thoughts to help decide your next best move. Whom am I speaking to? Who is this going to help? I’m speaking to the perfectionist version of myself, who needed to find the right moment, right lighting, and right conditions to vlog. My Practical Experience I’ve done both a vlog and blogging, and I can say right now that blogging has a greater net positive contribution on my ability to speak and think clearly....

April 27, 2023

Non Dualistic Thinking for Seeking Truth

TL;DR Nothing is “bad” nor “good”; it simply is. Whom am I speaking to? Who is this going to help? I’m writing to the version of myself that was closed minded and too ridged to experiment and allow curiosity to run free. While rigidity and structure have their appropriate place in the practical execution of plans, it’s also easy to let this action seep into the mindset, where curiosity lives....

April 27, 2023

Target Dating 3

Yes Alright so I went today, when I didn’t feel like doing it. I really did not want to go today because I already came to the conclusion that Target was a waste of my time. But I went anyway because I was building the habit of leaving the house to at least explore. I really don’t like going to target, and if I’m going out, I’d much rather go to barnes and nobel so I can read books or some shit....

April 26, 2023


My Practical Experience Look, I’ve fucked up before and was living in a place that had mold issues. I’m here to tell you what to look for and how to fix it so you don’t suffer from mold toxicity. Signs of mold toxicity Remember this good news: the body can recover form mold toxicity. Now, here’s how to know when something’s off suddenly getting a running nose fever-like feeling; mild headache coughing These were my symptoms....

April 26, 2023