
Practicality and Simplicity win. Every. Single. Day.

Why? Because in a world full of ideas and possibilities, the ability to consistency execute those ideas to bring about their realization is what matters most.


Here are some basic rules when creating content:

  1. I am allowed to write scrappy, unfinished ideas and word vomits; I am free to organize ideas as I see fit
  2. I am allowed to contradict myself, especially as I gather more life experience
  3. “Loose lips sink ships”: Aside from getting a life, the other main purpose of this blog is to give myself space to talk, so that I can be a good listener with my friends and family, and focus on action rather than cheap talk.
  4. I am permitted to talk about any experience, the good and the bad. Because human life is about experience the full range of emotions.
  5. I am allowed to explain how something works, without explaining why it works
  6. I am writing to a younger version of myself, who would have benefited form the information provided
  7. Information and knowledge I learn should be something that can PRACTICALLY help someone who is perhaps living a busy life. Theories and Ideas do not count, unless they have been tested and practically applied and explained in a simple way for most people to understand.
    • Bonus: Be sure to include your target audience in your posts (who are you speaking to? Who will benefit from this information in their practical daily living?)
  8. Seek common sense.
  9. I have a love of learning, and I demonstrate this love my writing extensively about my hands-on, practical experience.
    • Never stop learning; the purpose of life is to learn and contribute to the world that which you have learned
  10. Be able to strength my relationships with people by taking action to resolve an issue they face, rather than simply explaining to them the issue. Talk is cheap.
  11. We don’t have to understand something in order to know it works
  12. I seek to share my gifts with the world

What is this blog about?


As a kid, I used to love ideas, theories, puzzles, and deep philosophical thinking.

As I grew older, I discovered statistics, and I was captivated by how we can test ideas in the real world using data.

Now, as an adult, I realize that working in reality–not just ideas–is what matters most.

Reality is simply a reflection of truth, while ideas represent a desired goal towards which we all strive to obtain.

Hence, it makes sense to merge the two here–to bring to life that which we value in our heads.

The details

This blog will be based on sound, practical, everyday personal experiences that I personally test out.

I am creating this blog so that I can truly speak from experience on what works and doesn’t work.

It’s as simple as that.

In all of my writing, I will do my best to illustrate my findings, AS ACCURATELY AS POSSIBLE.

This means emphasizing what I see, without trying to impose a label or a meaning on that thing, and collecting as much evidence from PERSONAL EXPERIENCE rather than theoretical papers or ideas.



This leads to three types of posts:

  1. PUTTING IT TO THE TEST”: Taking a theory on paper, and putting it to the test in real life. These may be ideas from psychology, business, programming, relationships, etc
  2. WHAT I LEARNED”: This is the reverse order. We first gather experience, then reflect on the experience with a theory to explain why it occurred. After a theory has been established, we may put that theory to the test to verify it’s robustness.
  3. PRACTICAL TIPS”: As it sounds, these are straight-forward, pragmatic solutions to help resolve common, every day living. No theory needed.
  4. OBSERVATIONS-THOUGHTS-OPINIONS”: This is simply documenting interesting things I see and/or thoughts and opinions I hold with regard to myself, other people, and the world. While not practical nor simple, this is more “ammo” or potential topics that I can later “put to the test”.

My Motives for Creating this Blog

The purpose of this blog is to:

  1. Cultivate less absolute, more ACCURATE, more REALISTIC opinions about myself, other people, and the world I interact with
  2. EXPLAIN and ARTICULATE my creative and useful value to people
  3. Live a more intentional life aligned with where I truly wish to go
  4. Fuel my veracious curiosity about people and the seemingly small and mundane things in life that most people overlook
  5. Give weight and importance to the mundane and ordinary 80% of small things that make up most of our day

The purpose is, ultimately, to enhance life in a way that works consistently.

And one day, when people read back at my experiences, I’ll be able to say, “Isn’t it amazing, how a loser could achieve so much?”

Some of my Personal Favorite Posts:

Some of my Favorite Resources:


Please feel free to reach out with any comments, feedback, suggestions, and advice using the above image (if you are human, you know how to use the above information!)