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My Practical Experience

My Mind Dump.

I’m quite moved by Rollo May’s book, “Man’s search for Himself”, and it has made me quite curious with the unconscious side of our mind.

So much so, I’ve dedicated a post for future, ongoing development on this work.

To initalize the research process, I’ve started with ChatGPT, and arrived at the following answer for “how do we make the unconscious conscious?”

" Making the unconscious conscious is a central concept in psychology, particularly in the theories of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung.

While it can be a complex and multifaceted process, here are some general approaches that can help in bringing the unconscious into conscious awareness:

  1. Self-reflection and introspection: Engage in self-reflection to explore your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Regularly take time to examine your experiences, motivations, and patterns of thinking. This practice can help bring unconscious processes to conscious awareness.
  2. Dream analysis: Pay attention to your dreams and explore their potential meanings. Keep a dream journal and reflect on recurring symbols, themes, or emotions. Dreams often contain elements of the unconscious and can provide insights into your inner world.
  3. Active imagination and creative expression: Engage in activities that encourage creative expression, such as art, writing, or music. These outlets can tap into the unconscious mind, allowing hidden thoughts, emotions, and insights to surface.
  4. Mindfulness and meditation: Practice mindfulness and meditation techniques to cultivate present-moment awareness. By observing your thoughts, emotions, and sensations without judgment, you can become more attuned to unconscious patterns and bring them into conscious awareness.
  5. Therapy and counseling: Seek the guidance of a trained therapist or counselor who specializes in approaches like psychoanalysis, psychodynamic therapy, or Jungian therapy. These therapeutic modalities are designed to explore unconscious dynamics and bring them to conscious understanding.
  6. Shadow work: Explore your “shadow,” a term coined by Carl Jung to describe the hidden aspects of the self that we repress or deny. Shadow work involves examining and integrating these suppressed aspects, such as fears, desires, or unresolved conflicts, to gain a deeper understanding of oneself.
  7. Emotional exploration: Pay attention to your emotions and explore their underlying causes. Emotional reactions often provide clues to unconscious processes. Engage in emotional self-inquiry, allowing yourself to fully experience and explore your feelings.
  8. Psychological assessments: Consider using psychological assessments, such as personality tests or assessments like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) or the Rorschach inkblot test. These assessments can provide insights into unconscious aspects of your personality and thought patterns.

It’s important to note that bringing the unconscious into conscious awareness is a gradual and ongoing process. It requires patience, self-reflection, and a willingness to explore and confront aspects of oneself that may be uncomfortable or challenging. Professional guidance from a therapist or counselor can be particularly beneficial in navigating this journey. "

How does this opinion explain how the world really works in a way that accurate, wholistic, and realistic?

Given your thoughts and opinions, what practical actions can we take?

Thanks for the advice, now how can I practically put this to use in a simple way for daily execution?