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My Practical Experience

My Mind Dump.

I often noticed how, in games and movies, villains often have special powers, as well as the ability to break rules, that the hero does not posses.

This made me question: How is it that the hero wins at the end, despite having the cards stacked against him from the villains numerous advantages?

Here’s what ChatGPT had to say about the manner:

“The portrayal of villains in superhero movies often involves giving them powers and abilities that appear superior to those of the hero. This is done to create a sense of challenge and adversity for the hero, making the conflict more engaging and exciting for the audience. However, despite the apparent disadvantage, the hero typically triumphs in the end. There are a few reasons for this narrative choice and the lessons we can derive from it:

  1. The Hero’s Journey: Superhero stories often follow the traditional hero’s journey narrative structure, where the hero faces numerous obstacles and setbacks before ultimately overcoming them. This journey allows the hero to grow, learn, and develop new abilities or strategies to defeat the villain. It showcases the hero’s resilience, determination, and capacity for personal growth, which can inspire viewers to overcome their own challenges in life.
  2. Moral Compass and Virtues: Superheroes are often portrayed as embodying certain virtues such as courage, selflessness, and justice. They stand as symbols of hope and goodness, fighting against evil and protecting the innocent. By overcoming seemingly insurmountable odds and defeating powerful villains, the hero reaffirms these virtues and highlights the importance of staying true to one’s moral compass, even in the face of adversity.
  3. Underdog Appeal: The hero’s struggle against a seemingly unbeatable foe creates a sense of rooting for the underdog. Audiences naturally empathize with characters who face overwhelming odds, and witnessing the hero’s triumph against all odds can be emotionally satisfying and cathartic. It reminds us that even when faced with seemingly unbeatable challenges, determination, resourcefulness, and a never-give-up attitude can lead to success.
  4. Symbolic Representation: Superhero stories often explore deeper themes and societal issues. The villain’s overwhelming power can represent various real-world challenges, such as corruption, inequality, or the abuse of power. The hero’s eventual triumph can symbolize the triumph of justice, unity, or the power of the human spirit to overcome these challenges. It serves as a reminder that even in the face of overwhelming adversity, individuals can make a difference and bring about positive change.

In essence, the hero’s victory despite the apparent disadvantage in superhero movies is a reflection of our own innate desire for justice, growth, and triumph over adversity. It teaches us to believe in ourselves, embrace our virtues, and stand up against injustice or overwhelming obstacles.”

I also noticed how in many of these games and movies, the villain may win the “battles” in the short term, but the hero eventually, on average, wins the “war”.

I wonder if this is because the game of life is won by those who possess the strongest habits, with virtuous habits of courage, authenticity, determination, and resourcefulness being among the ones that yield the greatest returns in the long run.

Meanwhile, the villain’s reliance on short-term gains and unethical behavior often leads to their downfall. Their actions might bring them temporary power or success, but their lack of moral grounding and disregard for the well-being of others ultimately backfires. Their destructive habits and disregard for consequences can alienate allies, weaken their position, or expose vulnerabilities that the hero can exploit.

This leads to my next question: What habits would an ideal hero possess to become the champion of his won story?

Here are a few suggested by ChatGPT:

  1. Self-discipline
    • Heroes are typically portrayed as individuals who have a high degree of self-discipline. They have the ability to control their impulses, stay focused on their goals, and make sacrifices for the greater good. This habit helps them maintain their physical and mental well-being, and it enables them to persevere through challenges.
  2. Continuous Learning
    • Heroes are often depicted as individuals who strive for self-improvement and growth. They have a thirst for knowledge and are constantly seeking new skills and abilities to enhance their effectiveness. Whether it’s through training, research, or seeking mentors, heroes are committed to expanding their knowledge base and refining their capabilities.
  3. Courage
    • Courage is a vital habit for a hero. They must be willing to face their fears, take risks, and stand up against injustice or overwhelming odds. Courage enables them to act in the face of danger and make difficult choices, even when it’s easier to retreat or give in
  4. Empathy and Compassion
    • Heroes understand the value of empathy and compassion. They genuinely care about the well-being of others and are driven by a desire to protect and help those in need. They practice active listening, seek to understand others’ perspectives, and strive to make a positive impact on people’s lives.
  5. Integrity
    • Heroes possess a strong moral compass and unwavering integrity. They consistently act in accordance with their values, even when faced with temptation or adversity. They are honest, trustworthy, and accountable for their actions, serving as role models for others
  6. Collaboration and Leadership
    • Heroes recognize that they can’t achieve their goals alone. They build strong relationships, forge alliances, and inspire others to join their cause. They have effective communication skills, delegate tasks, and lead by example, fostering a sense of unity and teamwork
  7. Resilience
    • Heroes face numerous setbacks and challenges throughout their journeys. Resilience is a crucial habit that allows them to bounce back from failure, learn from their mistakes, and keep moving forward despite obstacles. They maintain a positive mindset and persevere even when the odds seem insurmountable.

And isn’t it funny how most stories tend to follow this Hero’s Journey Arc?

I think as ideas and social media grow, we move away from the traditional stories in religious texts to the more, religiously agnostic stories that anyone can uncover.

For example, I am a huge nerd for Avatar the Last Air Bender. While all of these ideals on morals, virtues, and growth are evident in this show, the same can be said about most Biblical stories, (or Jewish, or Islamic, or Hindu, etc.).

It seems to me, that as time continues, the underlying ideals of these stories will exist (because the idea of the “Hero’s Arc” is nothing new) in “different types of “packaging” that appears to most other people.

And, assuming these ideals of virtues are indeed desirable, then this is a good thing because it means that many more people will have access to the same set of principles, despite not belonging to certain religious cultures or communities.

I’m not writing that religious or cultural communities are bad, rather than the lessons that we can learn from these cultures will become more pervasive as the stories evolve, thereby leading to a generally better, more virtuous community of people.

How does this opinion explain how the world really works in a way that accurate, wholistic, and realistic?

Given your thoughts and opinions, what practical actions can we take?

Thanks for the advice, now how can I practically put this to use in a simple way for daily execution?