Whom am I speaking to? Who is this going to help?

My Practical Experience

I don’t know how to explain this one.

I fall into the camp of both sides.

Growing up, with my “ideal” view of how the world should be, I would often look at disdain at people who were naturally charismatic and jokesters because they seemed to be immune the my ideal “rules” of etiquette.

Now I realize that those people were simply playing by a different set of rules because they had become competent in a different set of skills–being socially adept.

That’s where playing to one’s strengths comes into play. If you’re smart but not charismatic, you can build your smart skill up to eventually work on the charismatic part, and integrate that with your work.

There are people who are sensitive who being easily pissed off by people who like to joke around.

But likewise, why can’t these people take a joke–why could’t I take a joke?

I think this idea of “rules” and being “proper” might just be a cop-out for weak people–they don’t want to get stronger in other skills, so they’d rather impose rules that limits the potential of people who have developed charisma.

On the other hand, what if you were a chad, who knew when to joke around and when to show more respect for the weak people.

Here’s what I don know–if someone has something you secretly desire, actively work towards getting that thing which you do desire.

We’ve already established the rule that the world rewards those who take massive, iterative action towards their goals.

You can be a humble chad, the likeable douchebag, the walking paradox.

Some people I think of who meet this requirement are:

  • Joe Rogan
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • Andrew Tate
  • Mark Cuban
  • Mohammad Ali

Thanks for the advice, now how can I practically put this to use in a simple way for daily execution?

I don’t know, I’m expressing an opinion.