Nothing is “bad” nor “good”; it simply is.

Whom am I speaking to? Who is this going to help?

I’m writing to the version of myself that was closed minded and too ridged to experiment and allow curiosity to run free.

While rigidity and structure have their appropriate place in the practical execution of plans, it’s also easy to let this action seep into the mindset, where curiosity lives.

Someone who is practical and structured in execution might accidentally start thinking in that way, which defeats the purpose of creative insights that enable novel experiences and great insight.

My Practical Experience

Bear with me here, but this was on Twitter. I’m still working on my social anxiety XD.

I asked the question, “are cigars good or bad”, now realizing the error in my question.

But that did not hit me until the next tweet.

Thanks for the advice, now how can I practically put this to use in a simple way for daily execution?

Get in the habit of asking questions that shed light on the wholistic qualities of that which sparks your curiosity, rather than determining is something is inherently moral or immoral.

Instead of asking,

  • “is this good”,
  • “is this bad”, ask


  • “What are the pros and cons of X?”
    • Long term, short term
    • to myself, and on others
  • “What are redeeming qualities of X?”
  • “Is there a way to modify this X to better align with my values and preferences?”