Research was rampant in the mid 20th century because of the new cultural preference following WWII and the additional resources such as collaboration, funding, technology, and better statistical methods for experiments.

Whom am I speaking to? Who is this going to help?

The curious student wondering why research in the US is not that cool anymore

My Mind Dump.

When I think back to some of the great psychologists from the behaviorism movement, three people come to mind: Harry Harlow, Abraham Maslow, and Erik Erickson.

All three scientists seem to agree on one main point: relationships are essential.

This made me think: why was research so prolific during the mid 20th century (specifically, between the 1940s and 1950s)?

I asked ChatGPT this question, and this is what it generated:

  1. Post-World War II era: The end of World War II brought about a period of relative stability and increased resources for research and development. Governments and institutions were motivated to invest in scientific advancements to rebuild societies and stimulate economic growth.

  2. Technological advancements: The 1940s and 1950s witnessed rapid technological progress, particularly in the areas of computing and communication. The invention of electronic computers, such as ENIAC and UNIVAC, revolutionized data processing and analysis, enabling researchers to handle large-scale datasets and perform complex calculations more efficiently.

  3. Increased funding: Governments and private organizations recognized the importance of research in driving progress and competitiveness. There was a surge in funding for scientific endeavors, which allowed researchers to explore new avenues of inquiry, conduct experiments, and expand their research teams.

  4. Interdisciplinary collaborations: The boundaries between different disciplines became more permeable, leading to increased collaboration between researchers from various fields. The exchange of ideas and methodologies across disciplines facilitated new approaches and breakthroughs in research. For instance, the emerging field of cognitive psychology benefited from the integration of ideas from psychology, computer science, and linguistics.

  5. Development of statistical techniques: The development of advanced statistical techniques, such as analysis of variance (ANOVA), regression analysis, and factor analysis, greatly enhanced the rigor and sophistication of research methods. These tools provided researchers with powerful ways to analyze data, draw meaningful conclusions, and make more accurate predictions. Modern statistical methods gained significant development from the decades prior with the contribution of statisticians like Karl Pearson, David Cox, Jerzy Neyman, Sir R.A. Fisher, etc.

  6. Expansion of research institutions: Many research institutions, universities, and think tanks were established or expanded during this period. These institutions provided a conducive environment for researchers to collaborate, exchange ideas, and conduct in-depth studies in their respective fields.

  7. Intellectual climate and scientific community: The 1940s and 1950s were characterized by a vibrant intellectual climate, with numerous influential scholars and researchers actively contributing to their fields. The scientific community benefited from the exchange of ideas through conferences, publications, and academic networks, fostering an environment of intellectual stimulation and cross-pollination of knowledge.

In summary, the change in the cultural preferences following WWII led to better collaboration, more funding, and better computing power that took advantage of the prior decade’s statical development.

How does this opinion explain how the world really works in a way that accurate, wholistic, and realistic?

It’s interesting to see how much the impact of war had on the generations that led the US thereafter.

Given your thoughts and opinions, what practical actions can we take?

It may not be the time for research, and that’s okay, because this current time period is the best time to be alive and take advantage of opportunities that were never before available to us.