Open a single quicknotes on the right side of your screen, about 25%-33% of your screen width.

Open another screen for your work, taking up the remainder of the space.

At the top of the notepad, have these two headings:

  1. LABEL: The temporary and creative idenitify you give yourself to excite motivation to get the work done
  2. GOAL: The end goal, something that, when accomplished, you can reward yourself, knowing the job is complete (Ideally, something tangible, like pass-fail, or documenting, to show your progress)

The last section is the STEPS section, where you simple “think out loud”, but on your notepad, ensuring that your line of thinking in aligned with your label and your goal.


Time yourself. Give yourself the constraint of time so that you don’t waste time over-thinking.

Whom am I speaking to? Who is this going to help?

People who procrastinate and/or lose focus easily when working.

My Practical Experience

It helps.

Thanks for the advice, now how can I practically put this to use in a simple way for daily execution?

Keep the notepad on the side and time yourself to finish as soon as possible.