Everyone feels the same, but not everyone acts the same

Whom am I speaking to? Who is this going to help?

The shy guy who’s insecure about trying new things outside of his zone of familiarity

My Mind Dump

At first, I was embarrassed to show my brother the type of girl I was going on a date with.

In rating system, she was a 6, and a liberal.

But then I realized, “Holy shit, this really does not matter”.

Here’s what I mean by this.

There are people who are 50+ years old…ON BUMBLE. These are lonely women. How embarrassed do you think they feel??

Then there’s any newly divorced woman who is overcoming some serious self-esteem issues and life crises.

And I’m over here, complaining that my date is not hot enough?? Screw me, for heavens sake. AT LEAST YOU HAVE A DATE!

So how does this translate to what we really want in life?

People always talk about making it big with money, and being socially validated through the praise of others, but I’m convinced that that’s just a shallow veneer for two things that we deeply desire:

  1. Intimate Relationships
    • Friends whom we can call at 2AM to drive us to the hospital due to a medical emergency
    • Family who accept us for who we are
    • People that just “get us”–knowing what drives us, and what discourages us
    • People who will watch over your family and money while you’re away or sick
    • Someone who will wait for you until you get released from prison (not that I condone breaking the law, but rather the idea of having someone who will meet you on the other end of a hell-ish experience)
  2. Respect
    • A sense of dignity by the way people treat you
    • Feeling like you are being heard
    • Genuine interest of your background and appreciation for your work
    • People who will do tiny favors for you, and simply make life a little easier because they want to help you

Given your thoughts and opinions, what practical actions can we take?

We all want:

  1. To be rich
  2. Have great social connections
  3. Feel like a somebody

No one wants to be a loser–understand that we’re all after fundamentally the same thing, and realize through that understanding that the universe is abundant to supply us with more than enough.