Whom am I speaking to? Who is this going to help?

My Practical Experience

My Mind Dump.

URGENT NOTE: the intent of this post is not to be blasphemous, but rather encourage the common man to pursue greater responsibility with the gift of free choice at his disposal.

We are children of God gifted with the creative potential to shape our reality by our minds.

We are each our own children of God because we are each individually the creators of our own reality.

Jesus is viewed as the human form of God, and the only path to God. Jesus is as much human we are are ourselves. And the path to eternal life is narrow, meaning it can only fit one person at a time–that person is ourselves, and we are the human version of Jesus, seeking a relationship with ourselves, so that we may seek eternal life.

God is a lot closer than you think. In fact, he’s right under your nose–he IS your nose, he is residing in YOU–YOU are the driver and creator of your destiny.

To believe in God is to believe in his creation, and that’s YOU!

If we don’t have religion, then were does our morality come from?

The law.

As a member of society, as long as you obey the law, then you’re in good hands.

Unrelated but inspired

The following is from Lao Tzu:

  • Watch your thoughts, they become your words
  • watch your words, they become your actions
  • watch your actions, they become your habits
  • watch your habits, they become your character
  • watch your character, it becomes your destiny

Random questions

I am not my thoughts, I am my actions, but my actions are influenced by my thoughts, and my thoughts are influenced by my feelings, and we become what we think about, so who am I?

According to Napoleon Hill, we become the thoughts that have the deepest emotional connection.

How does this opinion explain how the world really works in a way that accurate, wholistic, and realistic?

Given your thoughts and opinions, what practical actions can we take?

Thanks for the advice, now how can I practically put this to use in a simple way for daily execution?