
TL;DR Whom am I speaking to? Who is this going to help? My Practical Experience My Mind Dump. This past week, with the holidays and the new years, I naturally found myself spending more time with family. Interacting with family members as an adult is a great spiritual workout; you’re tested emotionally despite being an adult. what do I mean by this? Your experience may vary, but I personally hate it when I lose at something; it makes me feel less than and useless....

January 6, 2024

Resolving Paranoia

TL;DR “If you’re feeling like you need to protect yourself from something, I would ask two questions: (1) Has this person done something to indicate that they are a threat? What evidence do you have? (2) If there is no evidence, then figure out what has happened in your past that has reinforced that belief for you.” Whom am I speaking to? Who is this going to help? My Practical Experience My Mind Dump....

December 14, 2023

Spiritual Awakening

TL;DR Whom am I speaking to? Who is this going to help? My Practical Experience A few major events happened this week: First, I envisioned and conceptualized the highest possible good I could do for myself, and put it on a small index card. The small index card makes it easy to always keep in the pockets of my pants Because the card is in my pocket, near my phone, I find that I check my card more than I check my phone This means that every time I read my hands inside my pants, and I physically feel my vision card, I start thinking about my highest good In theory, I become what I think about....

October 15, 2023

Aesthetics and Deception

TL;DR Whom am I speaking to? Who is this going to help? My Practical Experience My Dating Experience I recently went of a date where I went the full 100-yards in presentation. I rented a more modern car, I wore a suit with matching dress shoes and watch, and overall elegantly put together. I felt uncomfortable at first because it’s not how I usually am, but the more I play this “role”, the more comfortable I feel in this new skin....

September 30, 2023

Overcoming Negative Addictions: How I overcome consuming 'pron' and why I can't live with my family anymore

TL;DR Leaving home address the root issue behind my addiction. Follow these steps to get rid of negative habits: Increase resistance to negative habit Find something else to do in place of that habit Writing book reports, playing chess, Basically, any low friction activity where you are actively engaging rather than consuming Whom am I speaking to? Who is this going to help? The guy going through an addiction because he is doing less than what he knows he is capable of....

September 27, 2023

Peace Versus Boredom: What's the difference?

TL;DR Whom am I speaking to? Who is this going to help? My Practical Experience My Mind Dump. Peace is experienced after tension, stress, and instability. Boredom is peace that has overstayed its welcome. How does this opinion explain how the world really works in a way that accurate, wholistic, and realistic? Given your thoughts and opinions, what practical actions can we take? Thanks for the advice, now how can I practically put this to use in a simple way for daily execution?...

September 10, 2023


TL;DR Whom am I speaking to? Who is this going to help? My Practical Experience My Mind Dump. Chat link: https://chat.openai.com/share/94e70c72-a1b4-456d-86e8-e2cf02312896 How does this opinion explain how the world really works in a way that accurate, wholistic, and realistic? Given your thoughts and opinions, what practical actions can we take? Thanks for the advice, now how can I practically put this to use in a simple way for daily execution?

August 29, 2023

Inner Strength

TL;DR You are in the driver’s seat of your life. Whom am I speaking to? Who is this going to help? The hallow person who is passively living life, or being overly busy with no main vision of where he wants his life to take him. My Practical Experience It’s truly amazing how ONE book can propel you to make the significant leaps in your life. For me, there were three books in particular that led me to passive action:...

August 11, 2023

Action and Inaction

TL;DR Whom am I speaking to? Who is this going to help? My Practical Experience My Mind Dump. It can be easy to get into the habit of consuming. We consume TV shows, food, space, speaking time, etc. Now I’m starting to think how I can contribute. For example, for each book I read, I should do an equal but opposite writing/speaking of my ideas. I’ve already started seeing the benefits of listening more than I speak in conversations, so I won’t add much else to that....

June 8, 2023

Asking and Doing

TL;DR Practice the habit of asking for what you desire. The world favors those who develope the habit of courage to ask for what they seek. Whom am I speaking to? Who is this going to help? The meek, humble, goodie-too-shoes guy who does not want to hurt his self image or how others view him just by asking for what he really wants. My Practical Experience I’m creating this post more of an evidence of two of my principles:...

June 4, 2023