Speak Though Pictures

TL;DR Humans are sold my images and concrete things that they can verify with their eyes. Whom am I speaking to? Who is this going to help? The smart kid who is unable to convince others of his ideas. My Practical Experience People selling me on “complicated “home services Two guys come to my home to inspect my AC unit, and after some quiet investigation, they start telling me everything that’s wrong with the “flux capacitor”, “gizmo watts”, and “hydropowered radio”....

May 1, 2023

Positive Journaling

TL;DR In a world where data is abundant to support any narrative, why not choose the narrative where where you win? Whom am I speaking to? Who is this going to help? Mr. Pessimistic, who has no friends and is not liked by anyone. My Practical Experience I think I’ve unlocked another key to using my mind more effectively. It’s all starting to come together now. What I was doing before In one of my previous posts, I discussed how humor is basically a life hack....

April 30, 2023


TL;DR It is our attitude at the beginning of a test which, more than anything else, will determine its successful outcome. Problem solving can be accomplished through a calm state of mind and a positive attitude. Solving problems is a lot like solving puzzles, and having a calm state of mind is the key to unlocking the solution. Relax. Take it easy. Then, the solution will reveal itself. Whom am I speaking to?...

April 29, 2023

Tracking Work: How to pragmatically remind yourself to focus and finish your work sooner

TL;DR Open a single quicknotes on the right side of your screen, about 25%-33% of your screen width. Open another screen for your work, taking up the remainder of the space. At the top of the notepad, have these two headings: LABEL: The temporary and creative idenitify you give yourself to excite motivation to get the work done GOAL: The end goal, something that, when accomplished, you can reward yourself, knowing the job is complete (Ideally, something tangible, like pass-fail, or documenting, to show your progress) The last section is the STEPS section, where you simple “think out loud”, but on your notepad, ensuring that your line of thinking in aligned with your label and your goal....

April 28, 2023

The Two Most Practical Words for Perfectionists

TL;DR Replace obligations (e.g. “I have to”, “I need to”, “I must”) with GET (“I GET to”). Replace rituals and superstitions (“I cannot work without —”, “I cannot start without —”, “I do my best work under [insert conditions]”) with preferences (“I’d prefer to have coffee in the morning, but I can do great work without it”, “I’d prefer to be liked by everyone, but I can still enjoy my life”, “I’d prefer to have everything planned ahead of time, but I can deal with things as they come”)....

April 28, 2023


My Practical Experience Look, I’ve fucked up before and was living in a place that had mold issues. I’m here to tell you what to look for and how to fix it so you don’t suffer from mold toxicity. Signs of mold toxicity Remember this good news: the body can recover form mold toxicity. Now, here’s how to know when something’s off suddenly getting a running nose fever-like feeling; mild headache coughing These were my symptoms....

April 26, 2023

Dating: Attracting vs Chasing

Introduction Don’t chase women; they’ll chase you –Morgan Freedman (ladies man) I’m already 2 days into my Target dating scouting, and I don’t like it at all. I’m just there, for one purpose of finding a date, and thinking that I’ll just bump into someone and be like, “Hey! Let’s date, also, I really don’t go out that often and Target is my only social outing” I want gather skills that will make me valuable to a social group....

April 25, 2023


FYI You’re allowed to give yourself a new label, and start playing that role—anytime, anyplace. You’re also allowed to relabel any view you hold on yourself, other people, and the world around you. Relabeling comes from core beliefs, not just about you, but what you belief about other people, and the world (CBT). There is no perfect timing, nor routine. That’s what makes the mind amazing :) Practical Applications We’re all playing by a label that depends on (1) who we are with (2) our environment...

April 25, 2023

Prefacing enhances quality responses

TL;DR I always thought that speaking mantras was a bunch of bull crap. But, there’s a bit of practical nuance to it. Speaking mantras/values/principles in your head, during the pause that happens before responding, increases the likelihood that your words and actions will be better aligned with your goals. Another way to look at it: it’s “frame-setting”. You have giving you and the situation a label that’s in alignment with how you wish to act....

April 25, 2023

Humor is a life hack

TL;DR Ego and protecting your image is what is holding you hack from experience life. My Personal Experience I was in the car with one of my brothers, when he noticed that he had dandruff. Rather than becoming concerned over it, he started shaking his head and jokingly saying, “Look! It’s snowing!” Isn’t that such a great attitude? Growing up, I was quite focused on protecting my image because I would prioritize health and I enjoyed being athletic....

April 24, 2023