Respect is a life hack

TL;DR Everyone is born with respect. Treat everyone with respect. Treat everyone as an equal. It does not cost you anything to show appreciation, respect, and gratitude. Respect and kindness compound forward. Why? Because the habit of treating people well will translate into attracting great relationships that will server you when you grow old.

April 24, 2023

Happiness: Why it it's irrational to be unhappy

TL;DR Positive Psychology. Unless you take action to change your situation, why are you upset with where you are, if you are choosing to not take any action? Even if the choice is undesirable, it is something that’s moving you away from a worse situation you used to be. Choose to be happy. Because death is the only guarantee, and you will have wished you had enjoyed the gift of being alive much sooner....

April 24, 2023

Noise: How to create a soundproof bubble anywhere

TL;DR All you need are: Safety earmuffs Ear plugs My Experience Living at home with my family, I used to have to go out and find peace and quite elsewhere. Heck, I even spent over $400 on a air of fancy noise canceling headphones. But the truth is, you can get the same results, far more efficiently, at less than $50. All you need are: Noise ear muffs Ear plugs The practical result is that now I can work from anywhere, and not have the sound distractions from a busy household....

April 24, 2023

The Practical Benefit of Honesty

TL;DR The habit of being honest is not simply a nobel virtue, but a necessary prerequisite in knowing how to navigate life. If you are honest, you will attract and reflect honest results. You may not like the results, and they may even go contrary to what you wish were true–but if that were the case, then it wouldn’t be truth anymore. However, when you are given honest feedback, and you trust you have been honest with yourself, then you can reliable use the feedback as a sound cornerstone to build towards realizing your ideal self....

April 24, 2023

How Sprinting leads to new Insights

TL;DR Sprinting improves mental performance and physical well being. Steady-state cardio is not nearly as impactful, because it’s too easy and there’s no distinct contrast compared to talking. Personal experience Every time I do a hard sprint session, I have such great mental focus, clarity, and creativity. Sprinting “wakes me up” from my ordinary routine, and helps truly activate my brain to a higher potential. It simply works, and for that reason, sprinting sessions are now a vital requirement in my habits....

April 24, 2023

The Best Place to Hide is in Plain Sight

TL;DR The reason why hiding in plain sight is the best place to hide is because humans overlook and disregard the seemingly unimportant details. My personal experience When I would live with my family, I often became upset when they would eat my favorite snacks. Since the fridge is a tight space, it did not matter if I put my snacks at the very top of the shelf or at the very bottom; in all cases, they were eaten!...

April 24, 2023

The Antidote to Suffering

TL;DR ACTION, ACTION, ACTION is the cure to your suffering! ACTION precedes inspiration. ACTION creates experiences. ACTION is the antidote to suffering. It doesn’t matter what you do, but more than likely, you know what you should be doing–take the first step in getting it done! Personal Experience Much of my pain comes from doing nothing, and letting my thoughts consume me. No more. Even if it’s push ups right where you are, or writing your thoughts out on paper, get some activity flowing...

April 23, 2023

How to Fix (or at least Dramatically Improve) Depression

TL;DR Go back to the basics of healthy habits Good eating habits Exercise Restful and quality sleep Social connections (see post on attachment) Bonus Habits to further enhance mood Meditation Journaling Sunlight/Vitamin D supplements Cognitive Behavior Therapy It is VITAL that you do not overlook these seemingly small habits that have HUGE influence on your life. All of these habits appear small but have quite the depth to them. For example, take eating health:...

April 23, 2023

The Only Language Learning Advice you Need

TL;DR You only need these two tools to learn a language iTalki 1:1 sessions 30min sessions, 3x per week, where YOU do most of the speaking Duolingo On days where you don’t have iTalki sessions; use as tailored “homework” THAT’S IT! Keep it simple so that consistency is the only factor you need to actually speak like a native. My Personal Experience I have wasted too much time passively learning languages, when in reality, SPEAKING should be the primary goal....

April 23, 2023

Closed Eyes for Enhanced Insights

My Personal Experience I was in graduate school for statistics, finding myself extremely obsessed over understanding the Bias–variance tradeoff. Specifically, I had the question: How does the sample size in n-cross-fold validation influence the Bias–variance tradeoff? While the answer to that question does not matter, remembering this question allowed me to remember asking my professor (Dr. Elizabeth H. Slate) the same question. Dr. Slate asked me what I remember the trade off to be, and immediately, without thinking I closed my eyes so that I could better concentrate on finding the answer–which I did!...

April 23, 2023