Vlogging Versus Blogging

TL;DR Vlogging is a practical, more consistent way of gathering your thoughts to help decide your next best move. Whom am I speaking to? Who is this going to help? I’m speaking to the perfectionist version of myself, who needed to find the right moment, right lighting, and right conditions to vlog. My Practical Experience I’ve done both a vlog and blogging, and I can say right now that blogging has a greater net positive contribution on my ability to speak and think clearly....

April 27, 2023

Non Dualistic Thinking for Seeking Truth

TL;DR Nothing is “bad” nor “good”; it simply is. Whom am I speaking to? Who is this going to help? I’m writing to the version of myself that was closed minded and too ridged to experiment and allow curiosity to run free. While rigidity and structure have their appropriate place in the practical execution of plans, it’s also easy to let this action seep into the mindset, where curiosity lives....

April 27, 2023

High Value Man

TL;DR Spoken articulation of Jordan Curiosity of Leonardo da Vinci Discipline of Jocko Willink Body of Chris Bumstead Humor of Kevin Hart Deep thinking of Aristotle Confidence of Mohammad Ali Enthusiasm of Steve Irwin Empathy of Gary Vee Compassion of Keanu Reeves Fearlessness of Andrew Tate Grit of Gordon Ramsay Future of Elon Musk Vision of Steve Jobs Adaptability of Bear Grylls Clarity of Naval Ravikant Courage of Atticus Finch Unreactive Calmness of Shaquille O’neal Openness of Mahatma Gandhi Charisma of Gonzalo Lira Leadership of Martin Luther King Jr....

April 24, 2023

Intention Action Gap: Why Most People Never Succeed, in a World Where Success is Abundant

Random Evidence *“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. * But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it” Matthew 7:13-14 NIV My Personal Experience The intention-action gap has become one of the most studied topics in behavioral science since it can apply to so many different domains....

April 24, 2023

Contractive Learning for Creativity

Word Vomit I don’t know how to organize this post yet. So listen for now. People should have hobbies that are contrastive with their day jobs, or at least contrastive with how they spend most of their time. For example, the mistake I see a lot of Why does it matter? Because aiming for contrasts increases the likelihood that you will stumble on a creative insight that would not have otherwise been available to you if you had not explored outside your normal mode of thinking....

April 24, 2023

Attachment and Success

My Personal Experience Not too long ago, I was away from home, working hard and ambitiously on my career, because it felt like it was the right thing to do. I was always driven for success; I love pushing myself for the end reward. Long story short, after 6 months, I was isolated, overly anxious, depressed, intensely paranoid ,and on the brink of a serious psychosis. I flew my ass right back home, and I was worried I would never be the same....

April 12, 2023